Our Mission



NPBC is about new vision, adapting to change and the thought that we can be Christ like. From new leadership to renovations, community out reach and growth through education, all these and more and in the works. At our new location we are growing in numbers, and making plans for the growth to come.



New Paradise Baptist Church was incorporated on February 13th 1959 with Reverend Leroy Jackson as the resident pastor. Since then the path of leadership has been traveled by six pastors. Location has changed three times and many of our founding members have passed. With Gods blessing and strong leadership we rely on our continued growth with promise and thank-giving.



The children truly are the gift of life giving unto itself. We are proud of the children we have been blessed with. The ages range from 18 down to three months. With upcoming Baby Dedications and Children’s Bible Study we are building a foundation on morals only religion can instill to the core of a upstanding adult.